Saturday, January 7, 2012

Reception Pictures.. better late then never!

Happy New Year everyone!
I realized I never have posted pictures of our reception! It was so much fun! Everything turned out perfectly and it was so beautiful!
Here are some pictures of that fun night!
I may go a little crazy with posting pictures because there are so many and facebook won't let me download them. lol
our cake

one of my favorites!

I love my cake! 

Getting ready in the Brides Room

my beautiful sisters!!
daddy daughter dance
 While my dad and I were dancing to the song from Heartland "I loved her First"(highly recommend you listening to it if you haven't, its so sweet!) for the daddy daughter dance, he had secretly planned for my brothers to all come and cut in and dance with me too. It was a tear jerker. I love my brothers!
Jeff and I 

Danny and I 

Mike and I 

Nicky Poo, my younger bro

Mother son dance
Curtis and his mommy

My daddio

 Curtis and I danced to the song "Love of My Life" by Jim Brickman with Donny Osmond singing. Its one of Curtis' favorites which is now one of my favorites!
Our First Dance <3

I think my eyes were watering here

My step dad and niece Gracie

mama eye 

We are silly

my cute nephew Johnny and my cute sister Nisa

My dress looks cool here.. lol

The dance floor

best friends!

best friends forever!

our close friends!

 Court and her beautiful daughter brooke!

best friends!


It was so good to see my old friends Destini and Kami from elementary school! They are gorgeous!

I love how Bryce (Curtis' brother) is still following us with bubbles

we loved our car! lol

so true!


  1. Seriously Laura, you made such a gorgeous bride!!!! I'm way happy for you!

  2. Laura,
    your wedding was so beautiful!
    I loved it :)
    Thanks for calling me yesterday. It was so good to catch up! I love you girlfriend.

  3. I love all your pictures they are so pretty!! You had such a pretty wedding!! I am glad you posted pics!!
